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Up-scale Your Day

They changed the meeting, the date, the…again. Why is it so hard to adapt to change? Why do I drive myself crazy when things don’t go my way?

Today it was a meeting. It was 2:30 and the meeting – 45 minutes away – started at 4:00. I was focused – working to get something done quickly – when the email hit. “Can we postpone until next week?”

“Really?” I thought. “Seriously? I scheduled my whole day around this meeting.”

Then I stopped myself. Wow – what a creature of habit I am. I set-up my day in my mind and if anything disrupts it = a disaster.

I stopped – and thought, “What is the possibility – the opportunity here?” That’s a MUCH better attitude.

Everything can be a gift or a catastrophe. I can choose to use my mind – my thinking – to create happiness or unhappiness.

Today I choose happy thinking. I am creating happiness, peace, productivity, success.

To choose happy: “SAC” it. STOP when something triggers you. ASK “What is the opportunity here (for peace, happiness, growth, productivity)?” CHOOSE a better thought, “I choose to make the BEST of this situation.”

Then take action. In my case, I planned my day – to finish my work on time and have time to play.

Remember, it is NEVER the situation that causes the upset. It is your THINKING (automatic and negative) about the situation.

Choose a better thought; feel better and make better choices. STOP when something triggers you. ASK “What is the opportunity here (for peace, happiness, growth, productivity)?” CHOOSE a better thought, “I choose to make the BEST of this situation, I will focus on what I want.” Stop, Ask and Choose.


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