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The Simple Practice to Feel Better

I was in a work slump and completely forgot a great tool to instantly feel better.

It works every time because what you focus on – what you keep thinking about, appears.

This can change your whole life, bringing you more joy, enthusiasm, success, and peace.

Practice gratitude.

Science tells us that gratitude draws joy.

How? By focusing on what you are grateful for, your fear/negative thoughts go away.

Why? Because your brain can only focus on one thought at a time.

Make it a good thought – a grateful thought.

What are some ideas for practicing gratitude?

1. Morning: “I am grateful for my family, health, and work”. Think and speak grateful thoughts.

2. Bedtime: Write in a notebook 3 experiences you are grateful for that happened that day.

“I am grateful for my phone call with…, my great team at work, laughter with my daughter.

AM/PM gratitude focuses your brain to look for “gratitude” all day; you will feel happier.

3. Before every meal. As each person says what they are grateful for, a positive tone is set.

Use gratitude to create your goals, as if it they were here now. Here is an example.

“Thank you for my better relationship with…, my improved health and increasing income.”

Being grateful for what you want before it is here sparks your subconscious to look for ideas.

As you receive ideas, act immediately. Your subconscious does not like delays. Act NOW.

Start now. Say, “I am so grateful for…,” “Thank you for…” and keep adding to your gratitude list.

Write it down, say it out loud and talk to yourself and others about what is GOOD in your life.

That “feel good” energy helps you achieve your goals, improve your life, see new possibilities.

Commit to gratitude. Choose one way to practice gratitude, then share it with a friend.

Together, commit to gratitude for 7 days, then 7 more days and notice how good it feels.

This will become a “happy habit” as you focus on the positive, versus “life is tough.”

Switch your focus (to gratitude), shift your energy (to positive), change everything (life is good).

Practice gratitude.


How does Paula add value?

Are you, your team stressed by uncertainty and change; are productivity, turnover, engagement, issues?

Paula is a proven expert, creating thriving IT teams with simple tools to shift thinking and actions.

Highly interactive Zoom workshops (45-60+ min.) improve productivity, retention, engagement, morale.

Proof? Coca-Cola Charlotte (CCBCC): 90% Engaged, 91% Retention, 79% Productive, 68% Managing Stress.

Call now: 704-906-8045, email: or visit her website

Result: 5 minutes of your time = a free interactive workshop to get the tools you and your team need now.

Paula Guilfoyle

Consultant – Transforming Teams

Call now: 704-906-8045, email: or visit her website

Result: 5 minutes of your time = a free interactive workshop to get the tools you and your team need now.


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We teach simple tools so teams can move from stress to success.

Then you lead a team that’s so great – everyone is excited to go to work.

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