Is it worth 2 minutes/day to feel happier?
Is it worth 2 minutes/day to feel more optimistic?
Is it worth 2 minutes/day to become a better leader?
How about all of it – happiness, optimism, and success?
Try this. Appreciation.
In his book, The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor talks about simple habits for happiness.
These habits not only improve happiness; they improve success in every area of your life.
Ready for the one happiness habit that has the greatest scientific proof?
Write a 2-minute email or text every day:
Each day start your day by writing a 2-minute email or text praising or thanking a person.
Result: you will receive a great email or text back, and you will build your “social connection.”
Shawn states that social connection is the BEST predictor of long-term happiness.
Let me say this again: social connection is the BEST predictor of long-term happiness.
Long-term happiness is a key factor of success.
Get it? Connection leads to happiness; happier people are more successful.
Plus, as a leader, teammate, or friend, you will be perceived as a positive person – an optimist.
Optimists are people who become magnets for all things good.
They attract more love, success.
This Thanksgiving take 2 – two minutes to appreciate the people who helped you in 2020.
Then keep it going – every day – to build your social connections and happiness.
2 minutes to more happiness, connection, optimism, and success.
Small investment = BIG pay-off.
Try this. Appreciation.
Are you, your team stressed by uncertainty and change; are productivity, turnover, engagement, issues?
Paula is a proven expert, creating thriving IT teams with simple tools to shift thinking and actions.
Highly interactive Zoom workshops (45-60+ min.) improve productivity, retention, engagement, morale.
Proof? Coca-Cola Charlotte (CCBCC): 90% Engaged, 91% Retention, 79% Productive, 68% Managing Stress.
Call now: 704-906-8045, email: or visit her website www.claimleadership
Result: 5 minutes of your time = a free interactive workshop to get the tools you and your team need now.