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Simply Radical Relief

Today, you will be hit with something you don’t like.

Traffic, a co-worker, a change in a project, a health issue, money issues, the weather.

It’s always something, right?

I have a new way to handle those situations – a way to re-program; and it’s radical.

Just say, “It’s okay.”

When something happens, when your mind says there is a “problem,” think or say, “It’s okay.”

Acceptance will allow you to re-set your brain, shift your thoughts, feel better and move on.

When you resist what is: work, a person, traffic, noise, life – you choose pain.

The way you choose to think is a choice. It is a habit.

You can start to change that habit.

Begin to accept whatever is happening, no matter what.

It is what it is – and accepting the person or situation is the first step in getting to a solution.

Keep saying “It’s okay,” throughout your day.

Then notice how acceptance - letting it be okay - feels much better today.

It’s okay.


Claim Leadership’s unique approach improves productivity, inclusivity, and retention. We teach leaders and their teams to change the way they: Think, Feel and ACT to change the way they perform. The results: effective leaders and teams – “… no matter the challenge or change.” (Coca-Cola Charlotte)

Paula: 704-906-8045 (call/text with name please)

Paula Guilfoyle

Consultant – Transforming Teams

Call now: 704-906-8045, email: or visit her website

Result: 5 minutes of your time = a free interactive workshop to get the tools you and your team need now.


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