“Yes, it’s really true, you just have to keep pushing on, even when it doesn’t seem to work,” Jason said,
“And then, as I keep telling myself it is working, and taking small steps towards my goals, it begins.
Something starts to work, at work and home. All those small steps come together, and magic happens.
That’s when I start to reap the rewards of my positive feelings and efforts, and I feel great.”
What about you? Are you ready to talk yourself into success?
To feel great – to feel good no matter what – and to succeed = being in control of your thoughts.
My client Jason knows this. He told me it was his belief in himself, in his life working that convinced him.
“I knew that if I kept moving forward, listening to my intuition, telling myself it was working, that it would.
I knew I was creating my life, my future - by talking my way into it.
I keep talking to myself about what I want, how I want things to happen. Then I take action.”
You know this. This is the fail-proof way to feel great; it is the way to succeed in life for leaders like you.
What you say to yourself, what you keep focusing on and acting on, will determine your future.
What are you focusing on now?
What story are you telling yourself about your future?
Create your own story, perhaps starting with:
“I know my day is working, and my life is working. I am succeeding.”
“I focus on my top goals. I write 3 goals and take small steps for big success. I know I can succeed.”
These small steps will pay off big time; it is like compounding money. Consistency creates big yields.
Be consistently positive with your self-talk; this will help you feel good and believe success is possible.
When you talk to yourself as someone who believes in you, you encourage your own success. Then act.
To accelerate your success, using your subconscious, try these 3 steps:
1. Write your 3 top goals every day. Make them “I am, I have,” present tense statements.
2. IMAGINE – close your eyes for 5-15 minutes 1-3 times/day. SEE and FEEL yourself enjoying your goals AS IF you have them right now. This alerts your subconscious to give you ideas.
3. ACT on your intuition. Whenever you receive an idea (intuition/”gut”) ACT right away. This is your subconscious guiding you.
You know this – this is how you got the car, new job, relationship, home
You created a goal, and thought, “This will be great, I will feel so good to have the savings, the car, the house.” Then you take the tour of the home, start feeling good because you are saving, explore how to get the car.
All scientists and great leaders know the power of thinking and feeling positively about their goals.
Their focus is on their #1 goal – talking to themselves about it.
They keep their self-talk positive.
They imagine they have it NOW and feel good as they imagine it into their life.
This is how everything has been created – good and bad.
The project that goes well at work, “This is working so well, I know I will have the next step when I need it.”
The relationship that you keep your focus on positively, “They are teaching me something I need to learn.”
Or, “I am so lucky to have them in my life, I love how they…”
Keep focused on your goal – repeat it to yourself over and over, feeling good as if it were here right now.
Talk to yourself as if the success you want is already here. “I am successful, this day is working.”
This is how you talk yourself into success.
Paula’s leadership training transforms your company’s culture into a place that engages and retains top talent, saving millions. Her clients include Coca-Cola, Lowe’s, Microsoft, KPMG and Collins Aerospace.

Paula Guilfoyle
Training Leaders to Be Resilient
Phone: (704) 906-8045
Email: Paula@ClaimLeadership.com