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A Peaceful Season – with JOY

This is a wonderful time of year, and for many it is challenging. Finishing work, juggling family obligations and buying gifts can limit your peace. How can you slow down, enjoy the moment and treasure your loved ones? I have 3 simple steps for peace – practice them playfully in a fun spirit.

First, choose a “fun partner in crime,” who will be present at your gathering. Then, send them this blog. Ask for help in keeping a spirit of peace and joy. Finally, practice GAP: Gratitude, Acceptance and Presence playfully all day.

Gratitude = appreciate everyone and everything; “count your blessings” all day. Look around to see all you have; recognize the greatest gifts you receive are love.

Fun spirit: at dinner speak about your gratitude for everything. Others will follow. Your enthusiasm, happiness and focus on gratitude will shift everyone’s mood.

Acceptance = be okay with everyone and everything; say “That’s okay!” all day. If you can’t accept it/them, say, “I can’t accept this/them,” (to yourself that is). Acceptance of what you can’t accept will help you feel peaceful. Try this now.

Fun spirit: ask everyone to count how many times they can say, “That’s okay!”

Presence = be in the moment; breathe deeply; smile; look at your life’s beauty. Take 3 deep breaths and scan the room. Be present with all your senses. Enjoy.

Fun spirit: play the game, “Do you see what I see?” to keep laughter, joy present. Pick something in the room. Say, “Find the _,” to focus on being present now.

Use GAPGratitude, Acceptance and Presence – to celebrate with peace. I wish you love and peace.


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